pghstore provides PostgreSQL hstore formatting for Python.

This small module implements a formatter and a loader for hstore, one of PostgreSQL supplied modules, that stores simple key-value pairs.

>>> simple_dictionary = {u'a': u'1'}
>>> dumps(simple_dictionary) == b'"a"=>"1"'
>>> loads('"a"=>"1"') == simple_dictionary
>>> src = [('pgsql', 'mysql'), ('python', 'php'), ('gevent', 'nodejs')]
>>> loads(dumps(src), return_type=list) == src

You can easily install the package from PyPI by using pip or easy_install:

$ pip install pghstore
pghstore.dump(obj, file, key_map=None, value_map=None, encoding='utf-8')

Write the object to the specified file in HStore format.

>>> import io
>>> f = io.BytesIO()
>>> dump({u'a': u'1'}, f)
>>> f.getvalue() == b'"a"=>"1"'
  • obj – a mapping object to dump
  • file – a file object to write into
  • key_map – an optional mapping function that takes a non-string key and returns a mapped string key
  • value_map – an optional mapping function that takes a non-string value and returns a mapped string value
  • encoding – a string encode to use
pghstore.dumps(obj, key_map=None, value_map=None, encoding='utf-8', return_unicode=False)

Convert a mapping object as PostgreSQL hstore format.

>>> dumps({u'a': u'1 "quotes"'}) == b'"a"=>"1 \\"quotes\\""'
>>> dumps([('key', 'value'), ('k', 'v')]) == b'"key"=>"value","k"=>"v"'

It accepts only strings as keys and values except None for values. Otherwise it will raise TypeError:

>>> dumps({'null': None}) == b'"null"=>NULL'
>>> dumps([('a', 1), ('b', 2)])
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: value 1 of key 'a' is not a string

Or you can pass key_map and value_map parameters to workaround this:

>>> dumps([('a', 1), ('b', 2)], value_map=str) == b'"a"=>"1","b"=>"2"'

By applying these options, you can store any other Python objects than strings into hstore values:

>>> import json
>>> dumps([('a', list(range(3))), ('b', 2)], value_map=json.dumps) == b'"a"=>"[0, 1, 2]","b"=>"2"'
>>> import pickle
>>> result = dumps([('a', list(range(3))), ('b', 2)],
...       value_map=pickle.dumps)  


It returns a UTF-8 encoded string, but you can change the encoding:

>>> dumps({u'surname': u'\ud64d'}) == b'"surname"=>"\xed\x99\x8d"'
>>> dumps({u'surname': u'\ud64d'}, encoding='utf-32') == b'"\xff\xfe\x00\x00s\x00\x00\x00u\x00\x00\x00r\x00\x00\x00n\x00\x00\x00a\x00\x00\x00m\x00\x00\x00e\x00\x00\x00"=>"\xff\xfe\x00\x00M\xd6\x00\x00"'

If you set return_unicode to True, it will return six.text_type instead of str (byte string):

>>> dumps({'surname': u'\ud64d'}, return_unicode=True) == u'"surname"=>"\ud64d"'
  • obj – a mapping object to dump
  • key_map – an optional mapping function that takes a non-string key and returns a mapped string key
  • value_map – an optional mapping function that takes a non-string value and returns a mapped string value
  • encoding – a string encode to use
  • return_unicode (bool) – returns an six.text_type string instead byte str. False by default

a hstore data

Return type:


pghstore.load(file, encoding='utf-8')

Load the contents of file in HStore into a Python object.

pghstore.loads(string, encoding='utf-8', return_type=<class 'dict'>)

Parse the passed hstore format string to a Python mapping object.

>>> loads('"a"=>"1"') == {u'a': u'1'}

If you want to load a hstore value as any other type than dict set return_type parameter. Note that the constructor has to take an iterable object.

>>> loads('"a"=>"1", "b"=>"2"', return_type=list) == [(u'a', u'1'), (u'b', u'2')]
>>> loads('"return_type"=>"tuple"', return_type=tuple) == ((u'return_type', u'tuple'),)
  • string (six.string_types) – a hstore format string
  • encoding – an encoding of the passed string. if the string is an six.text_type string, this parameter will be ignored
  • return_type – a map type of return value. default is dict

a parsed map. its type is decided by return_type parameter

Version data for the pghstore module.

You can find the current version in the command line interface:

$ python -m pghstore.version

New in version 1.0.0.

pghstore.version.VERSION = '2.0.2'

(six.string_types) The version string e.g. '0.9.2'.

pghstore.version.VERSION_INFO = (2, 0, 2)

(tuple) The version tuple e.g. (0, 9, 2).

Open source

This module is initially written by Hong Minhee (pghstore._native — original Python version) and Robert Kajic (pghstore._speedups — optimized C version).

Distributed under MIT License.

You can find the source code from the GitHub repository:

$ git clone git://

To report bugs or request features use the issue tracker.

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